If you are coming up to the payment date for your Company’s Corporation Tax, you’ve just filed your VAT Return or you have a PAYE payment to make then HMRC have “easy to use” links to pay your taxes online.
Corporation Tax
Click to pay your Corporation Tax online. You will need your 17-character payslip reference, which the Revenue will have sent you. If you do not have a copy of your payslip then we can provide you with the reference.
Click to pay your VAT online. You will need your 9 character VAT Registration number which can be found in the top right hand corner of your latest VAT Return.
Click to pay your PAYE online. You will need your 13 character Accounts office reference, eg. 322PG00281869 and your PAYE Office. If you do not have a copy of your Accounts Reference then we can provide you with this.
Self Assessment
Click to pay your Self-Assessment tax online. You will need your SA reference (1o digits plus the letter K at the end). This is also known as your UTR and can be found on the front page of your Tax Return. We can provide you with this reference if you do not have it. You can use this link to pay any Self Assessment tax due by 31st January and any payments on account due by 31st July.
Stamp Duty Land Tax
Click to pay your Stamp Duty online. You will need your 11 character payslip reference which will be sent to you by the Revenue. It will look something like 123456789MC (9 digits + the letter “M” + a letter).
Miscellaneous Payments
Click to pay any Miscellaneous payments requested by HMRC. You will need your 14 or 15 character charge reference which will begin with ‘X’. It will look something like XA123456789012 (Letter ‘X’ + 1 letter + 1 character [letter or digit] + 11 or 12 digits).